CategoryVikki 101

vikki’s personal sex trivia


I have to admit, I was curious to see what my own personal sex trivia would look like, all spelled out in little blurbs and bits, stats and interesting factoids. And I've found I enjoy reading over it, almost as much as I'd enjoy reading someone else's. It helps me to take everything just a little less seriously.

handy men


Salon featured an article last month (and yeah, it’s taken me this long to find it… Vikki’s been a busy girl) called I Wanna Hold Your Hand. My confession, then: I have gone to bed with men, in part, for the beauty or agility or originality of their hands. Some women fall for the curve of a thigh, the slope of a shoulder, the broad welcoming plane of a chest. I fall, instead...

is evil a good thing?


With terrorist attacks and bombs going off, evil has nearly been redefined to its previous Biblical levels by becoming Evil with an E, something that is reviled and must be wiped out at all costs. But let’s not forget that being evil can be a very good thing in the right circumstances. There is nothing more arousing and compelling than an evil man. One who knows what you want and will only...

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