happy new year 2001!


Has a wonderful time New Years Eve; well, a definite improvement over the last several New Years, at least. Bast and her man and I trekked all the way to a different city for the privelege to party. Drank WAY too much booze, flirted outrageously with a few cute boys, and all in all had a good time. Good enough, in fact, that it took the majority of the day yesterday to recuperate from the good time.
It’s got to be a bad sign to spend the first day of the new year so hung over you wish you’d died. 🙂
At any rate, it occurred to me on New Year’s Eve that I should do a little retrospective on the past year. Since the thing would be WAY too long for a diary entry, I wrote it out separately. You can read it here:
Vikki’s Retrospective 2000
It’s a look back, and a look forward.Here’s to a great 2001! I’d toast you, but I’ve sworn to give up drinking after yesterday’s hangover… <grin>

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Vikki McKay
By Vikki McKay

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