According to my man, who has done intensive study on the subject, I apparently have three types of orgasm. I laughed out loud when he said it – that many types, really? – but once he explained it to me, I couldn’t help but agree. Please note the naming is his, not mine! 🙂 Angel wings – Quick, intense, brief. These are the surprise orgasms, the ones he doesn’t see...
coming clean about getting dirty
Bear with me, all, this post’s been a long time in coming. And those of you who still manage to stop by occasionally may begin to understand why Vikki’s been such a quiet little thing this year. It’s been a tough year. There’s been cancer, and almost-cancer, a heart attack, aneurisms, a cat that said goodbye, sick dogs, one very young death, new jobs and new apartments and...
blogging with an audience
This sure is a strange and digital world we all live in. I had a number of lovers before my first husband, but that was back in the BC days (before computers – at least, for me), so for the most part I’ve never seen nor heard from them ever again. Not so with the new digital age. By the time I left my husband, I had started on the fledgling site that would become Herdesires. I...
10 things about a shaved pussy
1. Mentholated shaving cream is very, very tingly on your nether bits. 2. If your partner is shaving you, it requires a level of intensity, concentration and observation that is absolutely surreal. They will know you better than you know yourself down there when it’s all over. 3. Shaving “with the grain” reduces red bumps. Who knew. 4. When you get wet, you now get wet. All over...
100 sexy things about me
Since I’m bored tonight, and feeling a little at loose ends, I thought I’d try my own version of the 100 things meme that seems to make the rounds in the blogosphere every so often. However, since I figure none of you really care about the color of my couch or the number of years I’ve lived in my apartment or where I went to school, I’ve modified the concept a bit for this...
cunni-what? update
You know, I hesitated for a long time writing about my issues with cunnilingus. I hate like hell to show my clay feet, and prefer most of the time to reside on the earth-goddess pedestal I just know you’ve all put me on. 🙂 That said, I’ve been blown away by the response I’ve gotten. The comments have been wonderfully supportive and full of some excellent suggestions, some of...
Bear with me, oh faithful reader, as I expose myself (ahem) on a level which doesn’t often happen around here – I’m all for talking about my likes, but a little squirmier talking about the sexual things that I just don’t have a handle on yet. So to speak. Kind comments welcome, bashing will just make me cry, so be gentle, please. 🙂 As my regular readers undoubtedly...
so I thought, what the hell
My girlfriend has been telling me all about the cool quizzes and tests at (She knows I’m a personality quiz whore.) And yes, yes, I kept meaning to get to it. So thanks to the lady formerly known as the Dirty Whore for reminding me about the free physical attraction report. 🙂 My results were interesting: There’s something about “Outdoorsmen” that obviously...
responding to your email
Now, I’ll be the first to admit that I’m simply terrible with email for this site. It’s not you, honestly – I love you all. But between the day job (200+ emails/day), the night job (50+ emails/day), and personal emails, I’m one overloaded chickie when it comes to email. I can promise I read every one with delicious delight. I thank each and every one of you for...
catching up
So… haven’t been many posts lately. Thank goodness we can always depend on DW and the newly-returned-from-salacious-orgy Bacchus. Yes, I know there are thousands of other sex bloggers out there, and I read them occasionally (if I ever get to it, I’ll also have a blogroll of sorts on the side, but that requires a redesign, and as you’ll see, my time is limited). But those...