porn for girls


Oh, just really, really excellent.
Ran across an article from one of the owners (Heather) of ScarletLetters (one in a growing number of female-positive, female-friendly erotic sites) about what women want from their porn and erotica – the thrust of the article is mainly online but mentions offline wants and needs a little as well. You can read it here.
I’d say Heather is bang-on with most of what she says. As a point of interest, she states the following reason for why women don’t enjoy “mainstream” sites:

    that the images don’t seem intimate or sincere
    no one in them seems happy, truly engaged, or to be having a good time
    the language used isn’t intoxicating or well-crafted
    there is too much objectification, of any gender
    too little respect is given to women, sex or sexual union
    or it’s all just too darn salacious, boring, or vapid

I agree.
I’m longing for the day when I can run a list of “why women LIKE mainstream sites” because sites that understand women’s needs more throroughly will have become, in fact, part of the mainstream.
A girl can hope, can’t she?

About the author

Vikki McKay
By Vikki McKay

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