

Just when I’m getting frustrated by my ability to find interesting sexuality resources online, Jane’s Guide saves me. I haven’t been to this site in more than a year – maybe closer to two – but I’m glad I decided to stop by again. Really, resources to the web are so much more useful when teamed with reviews, like Jane’s site has. I’ve found enough to keep me busy for quite some time.
Case in point: Meryl Sloane’s site. She’s a sex educator and writer, and had an interesting tidbit or two worth exploring. Her Sexploration checklists were the most interesting. They’re compiled lists of sex-related activities. She encourages you to print out these lists, work through them with a partner, and compare. Seems like a great way to open up a discussion of sexuality in your relationship, particularly if it’s a subject you find awkward to bring up out of the blue. You go through them, check whether you’d consider “giving” these acts and/or “receive” them. The first list is the “standard” list, and she also has a “kink” list to check out as well.
Even partner-free, these lists seem to be a great way to explore what you are – and aren’t – willing to try. You might even get some new ideas!
I plan to work my way through these over the next little while – and worry not, I’ll be sure to share with you my conclusions! 🙂

About the author

Vikki McKay
By Vikki McKay

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