the Maxim hoopla


Many guys I know swear by Maxim magazine. They love the damn thing, pore over it more closely than the latest Penthouse or Hustler. I figured it was for the hot chicks. And, they agree, I’m right, but there’s more to it than that.
They love the articles about sex. And the few I have known (either carnally or through talking to my girlfriends whose men read the mag) who read these articles are more sensitive lovers with tricks up their sleeve that can have you screaming in no time. One of my girlfriends actually looks forward to (and keeps track of) when the new issue comes out, because she knows she’s in for some fabulous lovin’ from her man.
OK, I’m a skeptic. So I decided to hop on over to their web site to see if I could figure out what all the fuss was about.You know what? They’re right.
Ran across a few articles I’d like to have laminated and pass out to future dates:

These are just examples. They have dozens of back articles online that are really worth reading.
What makes the articles so good? Female input. Some articles are written by women, some just use female feedback in them, but ALL of them give you the straight goods on what women really like and want.
They’ve done it. I’m a Maxim convert. If I had a regular guy, he’d be getting a gift-wrapped subscription of this mag for a Christmas gift. What a wonderful world it would be if all men read (and APPLIED) these tasty tidbits!

About the author

Vikki McKay
By Vikki McKay

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